C2.4 Solve inequalities that involve one operation and whole numbers up to 50, and verify and graph the solutions.

Activity 1: Non-Strict Inequality Situation

Present the following scenario to the students:

Nicolas has permission from his parents to play video games for a maximum of 30 minutes a day. This morning, he played for 17 minutes. When he arrives from school, Nicolas plays his video games again, while respecting his parents' instructions.

Ask the students to indicate on a number line the number of minutes Nicolas could have played his video games when he came home from school.


Represent the situation using an inequality

This morning, Nicolas played his video games for 17 minutes. We want to know how many minutes Nicolas could have played his video games after school, so 17 + m. He can play up to a maximum of 30 minutes per day.

To find the number of minutes Nicholas could have played his video games after school, we need to solve the following inequality:

17 + m ≤ 30

m 17 + m ≤ 30
0 17 yes
1 18 yes
2 19 yes
3 20 yes
4 21 yes
5 22 yes
6 23 yes
7 24 yes
8 25 yes
9 26 yes
10 27 yes
11 28 yes
12 29 yes
13 30 yes
14 31 no
15 32 no
16 33 no

m ≤ 13

After school, Nicolas could have played his video games for 13 minutes or less. A closed dot has been placed on the number 13 to indicate that 13 is a possible value.

Ask a few groups to present their solutions. Allow students to review their answers.

Activity 2: Strict Inequality situation

Present the following situation:

For safety reasons, there must be fewer than 26 people in the local municipal pool. Knowing that there are already two families of four in the pool, what are the possible numbers of additional people who can join them?


Represent the situation using an inequality

Since the number of people currently in the pool is 8 and there must be fewer than 26 people, we can represent the situation using the following inequality:

8 + n < 26

where n is the number of people

n 8 + n < 26
0 8 yes
1 9 yes
2 10 yes
3 11 yes
4 12 yes
5 13 yes
6 14 yes
7 15 yes
8 16 yes
9 17 yes
10 18 yes
11 19 yes
12 20 yes
13 21 yes
14 22 yes
15 23 yes
16 24 yes
17 25 yes
18 26 no
19 27 no
20 28 no
21 29 no
22 30 no

n < 18

According to the table above, fewer than 18 people can join the other two families in the pool. An open circle has been placed over the number 18 since this is not a possible value.

Ask a few groups to present their solutions. Allow students to review their answers.